Contact lens lexicon

Lexicon Contact lenses

Astimagtism : Deformation of the cornea causing disturbance of near and far vision.

Amblyopia : Decreased visual acuity in the eye.

Albinism : Depigmentation of the iris.

Visual acuity : Ability of the eye to distinguish its environment through the light rays entering the eye, symptoms of discomfort, vision difficulties, fatigue, headaches.

Cataract : Gradual clouding of the lens.

Orbital cavity : Cavity of the face within which the eyeball (eye) is housed.

Adaptation center : Place bringing together optometrists who practice personalized adaptation of custom contact lenses.

Cornea : Transparent anterior membrane of the eyeball.

Lens : Lenticular body placed behind the Iris which focuses light rays on the retina.

Visual deficit : Poor visual acuity.

Hyperopia : Visual defect that affects near vision.

Keratoconus : Deformation of the cornea that takes the shape of a cone.

Orthokeratology : Correction of myopia and astigmatism while you sleep.

Iris : Colored circular membrane of the eye located between the cornea and the lens.

Leukocoria : White reflection of the pupil of the eye.

Continuous wear lenses : The new materials used, which are permeable to oxygen, allow this type of lens to be worn day and night for up to 30 consecutive days.

Macula : Depression of the retina, also called a "yellow spot", located where the optical axis of the eye ends.

Visually impaired : Person with a visual impairment.

Microphthalmia : Presence of an atrophied eyeball (small globe) at birth.

Myopia : Vision disorder characterized by blurred vision from a distance.

Optic nerve : A nervous structure transmitting visual information from the retina to the brain.

Blind : Person with no visual acuity.

Nystagmus : Jerky and permanent movement of the eyes.

Optometrist : Specialist who measures visual acuity and practices the adaptation of custom contact lenses.

Papilla : Anterior end of the optic nerve, located at the posterior pole of the eye.

PMMA : Transparent thermoplastic whose name comes from the English Polymethyl Methacrylate.

Photophobia : Hypersensitivity to light.

Presbyopia : Aging of the lens and loss of near vision when reading (blurred vision).

Retina : Very thin and transparent membrane, located at the back of the eye, on which images of objects are formed.

Strabismus : Vision abnormality that consists of the inability to fix the same point with the visual axes.

Binocular vision : Ability of the 2 eyes to function together. The brain through a process called fusion combines the two images into a third three-dimensional.

Monocular vision : Visual impairment in one eye. Anomaly causing monocular vision: Strabismus, Tropia, Monocular ambyopia.